How to Identify the Best Leaders
Want to identify the best leaders? Here’s a tip: Don’t look for the person who inspires the most followers. I spent most of my career working for one company. When possible, we promoted from within, but every so often we would bring in a lateral hire. I would tell them, “You have great perspective, which…
Investing in Microsoft’s Unproven Quantity
For fourteen years, Microsoft had a larger-than-life CEO, his intensity the stuff of legend. He embraced a radical candor that sometimes meant meetings would devolve into shouting matches. He implemented a stack-ranking system that mirrored his own love of competition. The spotlight found him, and he consumed much of the oxygen in the room. His…
Time to End the Work/Life Balance Debate
Can we end the “work/ life balance” debate? It’s based on a faulty premise. Who decided “work” was the opposite of “life,” and why have we given this false dichotomy so much oxygen? Don’t get me wrong. I understand that work can be soul-sucking, but it doesn’t have to be. And it shouldn’t be. Work…
Favorite Books of 2023
A few months ago, Marc Andreessen published his Techno-Optimist Manifesto, a 5,000-word celebration of markets and technology and all the abundance they promise to bring. I nodded along with so much of what he said, but the gestalt experience left a bitter taste in my mouth. Maybe I was reacting to his many grandiose, sweeping…